Hey homeowner... Is your dream home renovation on your mind all day?
Do you watch endless HGTV shows and scan every Pinterest pin and Instagram post for flooring and design ideas?


Three Things Homeowners Need For an Affordable Dream Home Renovation

“People need to hear this and take it seriously.”

“I attended your renovation planning info sessionn and—no kidding—it brought me to tears. I know that sounds dramatic, but in my first renovation (before I found you), I made all the mistakes you told us not to make, and my project went as you'd expect…74k over budget, and I still have regrets. It was awful.

I was shocked by just how accurate this info session was. People need to hear this and take it seriously if they want a great renovation. Just wanted to share. Thank you for everything you do.”

- Samantha Kelly (Homeowner, Chicago)

Join me to discover the simple process that homeowners are following for affordable and stress-free renovations!

In this value-packed Info Session, you'll discover:


My proven B.U.I.L.D. Methodology that homeowners are adopting to end the cycle of being stuck in a home that's just not working for you. I'll explain why it's happening and how this framework can get you on the path to that long-awaited renovation.


The 6-part, game-changing process you can use right now to start planning your renovation. I'll walk you through the exact steps to turn your dreamy visions into a tangible plan.


The one thing that all wonderfully successful renovations all have in common and how you can start implementing it right away.


The number one planning tool you can't renovate without and how it will help you avoid critical (and expensive) design mistakes.

And when you show up live, you'll get this guide, totally FREE!


Ten ways you can save money on your renovation when you follow this process (and none of them are DIYing the construction or choosing cheaper materials).

Are you nervous about your upcoming renovation, and seeking a way to avoid the budget blowouts, overwhelm and regret that most people experience?

A Note from Karen...

Let me say this upfront.

If you want to renovate your home in the next 5 years, then you don't want to skip this info session. It will be THE hour (and a bit) of your life with the biggest impact on whether your renovation is just like the other horror stories you hear, or is a remarkable tale of success.

There are two pays to pay for anything in this world. You can pay with your money, or you can pay with your time and effort.

If you are not loaded with cash to spend on a multi-hundred-thousand dollar renovation—but you still want to transform your house into your dream home—then this is the info session you need to understand how a small amount of time and effort in the planning stage can massively subsidize your costs.

You will leave this info session with a clear path forward and a new perspective — I guarantee it!

See you there!